15 September 2015

Managing for Drought in California: Register for this HMI Course!

Managing for Drought in California
There are still a few slots left in the upcoming Whole Farm / Ranch Land Management course. This 6-day course is taught over approximately 6-12 weeks in 2day increments, and will focus on how you can mitigate the effects of drought with Holistic Management.  Due to grant funding, the course is offered for only $100. 

To take place at: 
     TomKat Ranch
     Pescadero, CA

On the following dates:
     Sept. 24 & 25Oct. 8 & 9Oct. 22 & 23, 2015

Register soon as space is limited! Online registration closes September 16, 2015. Walk-in registration is $150/pp, if available. HMI recommends you attend the entire series, but it is OK to miss one or two of the course dates. All information (handouts, presentations) will still be made available to you.