Reúnase con sus compañeros agricultores, Saboree comida preparada con ingredientes y converse con: Agencias locales de apoyo a agricultores, Propietarios de tierras, Los compradores de cultivos, Chefs locales...
What: Farm Community Mixer
When: Wednesday, 15 July from 5pm-8pm
Where: El Pájaro CDC Commercial Kitchen Incubator
412 Riverside Drive
Watsonville, CA 95076
RSVP: Free! via Eventbrite or email or by calling 831.425.0303 x7022
If you are a service provider, in addition to your Eventbrite RSVP please be sure to email with a brief 1-2 sentences describing your services and whether or not you require table space for any materials.
We hope you can make it!