Low Residue Cover Crops for Soil Erosion Control, Groundwater Recharge, and El Niño Preparation
Field Day/Demo
Friday, October 23, 2015
9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
Watsonville Slough Farms (Matulich Ranch)
560 Harkins Slough Rd, Watsonville
Learn about the use of cover crops to increase groundwater recharge and reduce soil erosion during heavy rainfall predicted for this year’s El Niño.
- Use of low-residue cover crops in vegetable and strawberry systems to increase infiltration of rainfall for groundwater recharge and erosion control
- Selection of cover crop varieties and management of low-residue cover crops
- Use of low-residue cover crops in organic strawberries
- Eric Brennan, Horticulturalist, USDA ARS, Salinas
- Rich Casale, District Conservationist, NRCS
For more information call: Sacha Lozano or Lisa Lurie (831) 464-2950.