Applications for 2017 EQIP Funding
Accepted January Through May
The USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) accepts Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) applications year-round, but establishes cutoff dates to make funding selections for eligible, screened, and ranked applications. EQIP provides financial and technical assistance to farmers and ranchers to implement conservation practices such as stock water systems (livestock wells, solar pumps, tanks, troughs), cross-fencing, prescribed grazing, and more. To be ready for EQIP funding consideration, interested applicants will need to:
1) Develop a conservation plan
2) Submit an application
3) Meet program eligibility requirements
4) Approve their ‘EQIP schedule of operations’.
The time needed to complete a conservation plan and process eligibility can vary, from a few weeks to more than a month, depending on the complexity of the farming operation.
The FY17 cutoff dates to consider eligible, screened and ranked applications for funding are: January 13th, March 17th, and May 26th, 2017.
To sign up, call the Hollister NRCS office (831)-637-4360 or email